· Pharmaceutical glass tubing and tubular container

· Glass tubes and rods
· Glass machinery and production lines
Chemical anticorrosion glass pipe and plant

Expert of Glass Apparatus in China


Our experts are skilled in designing and assembling anticorrosion glass pipes line and complex plants with all fittings for chemical industry and biopharmaceutical industry.

BOMEX® glass is the synonym of safety, economy, flexibility and quality service.
The use of BOMEX glass pipe units, in combination with other materials, can meet the demand of the customers in the processing of highly-corrosive and pure substances.

  • Safety, reliability and low-cost maintenance are the prominent features of our glass apparatus.

Flexibly assembled framework systems, using standardized BOMEX borosilicate glass units, can solve any problem of anti-corrosive processing apparatus.
If used together with other anticorrosive materials, such as PTFE、Titanium、Tantalum、Enamel、and Graphite, our glass will make the apparatus even more economical and reliable.

  • Anti-corrosive coupling systems

All BOMEX chemical plant and pipeline units are fully anticorrosive and flexible in use.
Reliable coupling systems ensure safe operation and low maintenance cost.
The reliable coupling systems made of anticorrosive material can be flexibly and quickly fitted and extended, modified and reused according to real need.

  • With rich engineering experience, we can solve your problems.
BOMEX can provide full-range apparatus, including reacting, mixing, distilling, evaporating, extracting, crystallizing, rectifying and other apparatus, no matter it is for use in laboratory, trial production test, or production plant.


本公司被指定为捷克卡瓦力尔玻璃公司 KAVALIERGLASS,a.s.在华独家代理进口商。


位于捷克SAZAWA的170余年历史家族玻璃企业 卡瓦力尔玻璃厂有限公司 (Glassworks KAVALIER Co., Ltd.)以其SIMAX牌的3.3硼硅玻璃产品,特别是其玻璃化工设备与防腐玻璃管道享誉全球。2008年经过企业重组,改名为卡瓦力尔玻璃公司。鉴于本公司与原业主的长期合作关系,现在经过双方的讨论,我们两家公司就化工玻璃设备与管道系统在华的销售签署了独家代理协议,本公司成为其中国独家进口商。



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